You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 13, 2009.

Ok, we’re ready to tell you when we’ll announce the check-in location. We’ll post that info and email it to registered racers after 5pm on Sunday 9/20/09. We didn’t want you to have a weekend to go pre-race scouting. 😉 The whole idea behind most adventure races is that you deal with the unknown on the fly as you navigate through the course.

The check-in location will also be the remote start location for the 24 and 12 hour teams. The campground / finish area for all courses is somewhere else. We’ll tell you where that is when you arrive for check-in. It’s about a 35 minute drive one-way between the check-in and campground/finish.

IMPORTANT: Access to vehicles left at the check-in/remote start area will not be available after the race ends on Saturday night. You’ll have to wait until Sunday morning to get to these vehicles. We’re making every effort to not have any vehicles stuck like this.

24 Hour Teams
The remote start presents an extra logistics challenge for 24 hour teams. If you will need to drop a vehicle at the finish area or want to set up camp before the race, you’ll need to arrive at check-in between 3:30 and 4pm. This will give you time to make the round trip to the finish area and get back to the remote start before the 6pm briefing starts. It would be smart to do most of your gear testing and organization before you head to the race (I know, easier said than done).

Any 24 hour teams that are using the paid shuttle service will need to make this round trip as well, leaving their vehicle(s) at the finish. All gear needed during the race, including bikes and boats, will need to be dropped at the remote start location at check-in. They will need to drive their vehicle(s) to the finish area and race staff will shuttle the driver(s) back to the remote start location.

The simplest option for 24 hour teams would be to arrive at check-in with just the vehicles and gear that will go with your team through the course.

12 Hour Teams
If your 12 hour team plans to camp Friday night, you can arrive at the check-in location any time between 2:30 and 10pm Friday night. The volunteers there will give you directions to the campground/finish.

If your 12 hour team will arrive Saturday morning and wants to set up camp before the race you will also need to plan time for this extra trip to the finish and back. You would need to arrive at the check-in location around 4am on Saturday. You’ll need the extra time to make the round trip and get shuttled back before the briefing at 6am.

The same is true for any 12 hour teams that are using the paid support option. You will need to leave your vehicle(s) at the finish. Plan to arrive at the check-in location by 4am. You’ll need the extra time to make the round trip and get shuttled back before the briefing at 6am.

The simplest option for 12 hour teams would be to arrive at check-in with just the vehicles and gear that will go with your team through the course.

8 Hour Teams
If your 8 hour team plans to camp Friday night, you can arrive at the check-in location any time between 2:30 and 10pm Friday night. The volunteers there will give you directions to the campground/finish.

If your 8 hour team will arrive Saturday morning and wants to set up camp before the race you should also plan time for this 35 minute trip to their start/finish area from the check-in. All 8 hour teams bringing their own boats will have to drop their boats at another location that is only a 5-10 minute drive away from the start, and is within the campground property.

Race staff will move all boats and bikes for the 8 hour teams. The start and finish areas for the 8 hour teams are the same, so there is no need for vehicle shuttling.


Complicated enough? You should be on the organizing side of all this. When it all works out and comes to an end, we should have everyone and their gear all together at the finish area, ready to enjoy a shower and relax to the sounds of a live band as we enjoy a great post-race meal!


September 2009